Thankful for Rest
“And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done.” - Genesis 2:2
It’s the day before Thanksgiving, and I’m thinking about how much has changed since Thanksgiving 2017 and how much I am so grateful for in the past year.
Mostly today, I’m thankful for the chance to rest. I pushed hard this past year: momming, pastoring, writing, wife-ing, daughter-ing, friending ... Life has been full. I have met so many incredible people with rich and inspiring stories from all over North America, and our family continues to grow and change as Josh and Jacob get older and older and more full of new surprises and challenges alike.
I finished my first book manuscript and last week immediately descended into illness, probably partly brought on by stress and fatigue.
“No one will force you to slow down except yourself.” I keep remembering those words. So finally, at the end of November, I’m taking two straight weeks of vacation. This first week is mostly in Missouri, and next week we will be back in Minnesota, and I will get some time with Josh and to finish up some writing work as I nervously and excitedly await the first round of edits.
I’m really, really bad at resting and slowing down (though I do love a good nap when I can get one!) This Thanksgiving, I’m trying to give myself permission to slow down. In doing so, I trust I will be more thankful, more patient, and more joyful about the immense blessings of this life.
Here’s to a Sabbath-filled Christmas season. And may your Thanksgiving be filled with tasty food and, more importantly, people you love and lots of laughter. The real kind, not the lol kind.
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