A Poem

It has been a wild, awesome, trying, tiring, crazy week here -- I led my first women's retreat, preached Super Bowl Sunday, contracted Influenza A, and learned about an exciting new endeavor that I'll be starting soon.

In light of the mysteries that God has stewarded - I want to do something different - and maybe mysterious - here this week.

I used to write a lot of poetry when I was younger. I've felt called at times to do more of that again. I once wrote about Chicago's Lake Geneva; once about summer and the green of Minnesota.

Today's offering, perhaps inspired by #LadyDoritos

Being a Woman in 2018 America

I Am
Cool Calm Collected
Put Together
I Am
Wild Free Unrestrained
I Scream
I Howl 
I Roar
No One 
But Me

I can't explain exactly where that comes from: from me, from the universe, from God, from my dear friends, from the women I met at the retreat I led, from the female seminary professors and pastors who speak out boldly against those who'd say they have no place to lead in the church, from my boys, from my love ... but that's the cool thing about poetry I think, it doesn't have to explain.


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